Invitation To Authors

SR Publishers & Distributors are a leading international publishers and providers of books in many fields such as all kinds of Medical, Technical, Dental, Nursing & Pharmacy books. We are publishers, distributors, importers and exporters of books and other products in fields such as Medical, Technical, Dental, Nursing & Pharmacy.

Our Vision and Mission

Our mission is to deliver highest quality, most current, accurate Information to the greatest number of users, at affordable prices and superior customer service to help current and aspiring professionals make critical decisions effectively.

Our Values
  • Passion for Winning: We are determined to outperform and beat the competition. We always want to be the best. We are a high energy, fast moving, decisive organization. We always execute well and deliver
  • Customer Focus: Everything we do is driven by our customers' needs. We are committed to providing superior products and services with the highest level of quality and excellence. We are professional in all our customer dealings. We are highly valued and respected by our customers.
  • Innovation: We welcome and push change, we challenge the status quo. We keep things simple.
  • Value Creation: We create value for our customers and employees.